Category: works
pale chains
Pale Chains two reliefs2023 wood, colored plaster34 x 40 x 4 cm12 x 40 x 4 cm photos: Lokal Helsinki
loose bonds
Loose Bonds Four adjustable sculptures for the artists of the exhibition (a.k.a exhibition invigilators) to spend time with. sculpture series2023 wood, concrete, colored plaster14x14x26 cm30x14x26 cm
21 components
21 components sculpture 2021 wood, concrete~ 3×3 m & 130 cm photos: Julius Töyrylä
notes app drawings
notes app drawings finger on smartphone 2018 – 05/2024 04/2024 03/2024 02/2024 12/2022 04/2022 03/2022 10/2021